November 13 - 19, 6 nights, 7 days. only $299 plus Airfare!
Mon-Fri in the North of Israel. Shabbos and Sunday in Jerusalem. Departure Sunday evening. Itinerary includes:
Explore the upcoming hi-tech hub of the Galil, visits to various places to see first-hand Israel's status as a world leader in hi-tech in agriculture and medicine. E.g. Go Innovation, Katzrin; Tel Hai university, Agrotech, Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu; Gilboa Wind Farm and Yokneam.
Connect with ancient Jewish/Torah history - Talmudic Village of Katzrin; home of R'Yehuda HaNasi in Beit Shearim; home of the mishna and the sanhedrin in Tsipori; plus Tzfat and Tiveria and kevarim
lots of fun - rafting, water hikes and aqua kef, fruit picking (a chance to learn about gifts to the poor and tithing, kedushas EY), option to add in meetings with other non-Jewish minorities who live in the region to learn about the realities and hopes.

Connecting Jews to their Judaism

Donations can be mailed to:
25725 Coolidge Hwy,
Oak Park, MI 48237
Tax Exempt EIN: 20-5429082